I was thinking yesterday of getting a job. Realizing that this is almost impossible (unless you know Swedish), I thought about becoming self employed. I came up with this idea that may be far fetched, but may also work. It encompasses innovation, creativity and business creation.
Initial investment: 9160 Euros that may be amortized in approximately 2 years
Monthly gross income: Approximately 2600 Euros (if business is constant)
Start a business that focuses on improving the student’s academic performance. The idea would be to provide focused database of teaching materials designed for both undergraduate and graduate students. The database will be classified depending on the majors thought at the university. The model is focused for now only on JIBS, but it may be expanded for the rest of the Schools. For simplicity, we will call our business from now on Business X and the administrator Y.
Several rooms would be provided for students. The ideal location would be closest to the main campuses or student residence halls. The ideal room arrangement for this place would be three rooms interconnected on one side of the apartment, separated from the other half of the place by a corridor. The other side would be comprised of two rooms and a water closet.
The three rooms would be equipped with tables, chairs and sofas. The other side would be a recreational room, equipped with a coffee machine and some game consoles. The corridor would have hangers and will serve as a welcoming space for new comers.
The corridor will have a multitude of shelters filled with teaching materials. An employed student will re responsible for handing over the papers to the “customers”. In order to keep track, students will be allowed to borrow only one piece of work at once. The returned works will be closely inspected for any sign of damages.
The paper database will be divided according to the major programs, classes and teachers.
They would include:
-past exams - they will be bought from the JSA Center and consist not only of present exams, but also past ones, examinations that Business X purchased along the years.
-summary of chapters- they will be related to the present but also past books that the university used and uses during classes.
-work assignments, essays and even printed blog writing of students- Business X would purchase these materials from students.
-Business X will not only have blank exams, but also solved ones that will allow students to compare their solutions with the correct ones. Some essays will also be graded with the same grade that the student who submitted it received from the teachers. Also they may include comments made by the professors on their writings. This will be done of course only with the permission of the submitter.
Membership fee
The business would ask for a membership fee that would be updated monthly or offer a pay per entrance alternative for irregular visitors.
Why not infringe copyrights?
Hopefully I am right in what I say, but if not, please leave a comment.
Past Exams:
I was amazed that JIBS provides past exams in exchange for money. I found this magical place in the JIBS’ JSA center. Business X would purchase a couple of copies from each possible exam. Also, Mr. Y will make regular visits to the JSA center and check for new releases. Business X intends to rent these papers to students at a lower price that it would cost the student to buy a copy. In fact, all the “customers” of Business X would be prohibited to copy any material that is handed over to them. There will be no Xerox machines at that place and students will not be allowed to leave with any of the “company’s” possessions. I figured that if the library buys the books and allows the students to read them without breaking any copyright laws, then the same may apply here. It would be unwise to allow this to happen also because the business would loose its competitive advantage.
Student made summaries, work assignments, etc.:
I looked through the internet and I could not find any rule that prohibit the distribution of summarized material from a book, compendium, etc. As long the references are made correctly, the paper could be considered an independent piece of work.
Students need to go through chapters in order to prepare for exams and many would write summaries of these chapters in order to make it easier for them to recapitulate during final exams and midterms. At least this is how I proceeded. After the completion of the class I would usually throw away all the summaries. In some occasions I would keep them, day-dreaming that I would use them again as references and guidelines in my future endeavors, but they eventually ended also in the garbage bin. Regarding the papers and essays - I would just store them in a file somewhere on my computer and forget about them.
Business X would purchase these materials (purchasing also the ownership rights) from the students who finished the class and would prefer some cash instead of a filled paper recycler in the garbage room.
If the student would surrender to Business X all his work for the class he/she just completed, consisting of 3 essays and a summary of the book, he/she would receive approximately 650 SEK.
Why will this work?
You would probably ask yourself who will be a member or pay for such a thing?
It happened to me at least once per year to remember a day before that I have an exam and that I did not studied for a long time at that class. I remember staying late those nights, drinking endless cups of coffees and going to the exam hoping that the essay question that counts the most would be from the first part of the semester, from the chapters that I managed to go through.
Business X can help students that find themselves in that unfortunate situation. It may provide the resume of the chapters faster than if that person would choose the alternative of reading! Plus it will offer just the pure facts, without obvious examples that sometimes can be found in books.
This is not, of course, the best way to study, since the student would probably forget those things after two days, and in order for the information to settle, it must be reinforced with examples, BUT in lack of time, the alternative that Business X provides can deliver more facts to the student and may offer him a better chance to get a higher grade compared to having the possibility to read only half of the material.
Further more, if the student did not understand some issues that were presented in the book, the resume may offer a better understanding. Schematics, drawings and explanations made by a student for another student are always easier to understand than a page full of text.
Another reason would be the GenEd classes (General Education). During my undergrad education, our system was made in such a way that it would require the student to take at least two classes from fields like History, Exact Sciences, English, Arts, etc. I noticed during my College years that a lot of the students didn’t like these classes and study not because they want to, but because they have to. My roommate for example, who was following a Major in Mathematics didn’t exactly like “The history of Jazz” (a class required in order to obtain GenEd points in Fine Arts). He hardly studied at all and received barely a passing grade. Business X can offer him the shortcut: a higher grade for the same, insufficient allocation of study time.
Business X would also carry vast past exams purchased along time from JSA. We offer the following advantages:
-possibility of rental- why buy them when you need them only once?
-huge database – exams purchased in the past will also be available.
-we offer some exams that are already solved, with step by step explanations.
All these are competitive advantages over the JSA center.
Business X would also offer past essays from students. Students may find it easier to make their own essay once they see others’ work on the same topic. Business X does not encourage plagiarism, and the works of other students are presented for the sole purpose of providing some sort of guidance. They must remember that the University has all the electronic versions of all the students who submitted their work, plus probably a series of web search engines like
Why not library?
Students may prefer the library, since it has a greater collection of books and they are free, but Business X focuses on a niche segment that surpasses the library in the area of “class related resources”. Also it provides not only the study environment that can be found in the library, but also an isolated recreational room, where students may take a five minute break without disturbing the others.
Quality of service & opportunities for students who collaborate with Business X
Business X will put a lot of emphasis on quality. All the potential purchases would pass through a pre-inspection process. Payment for the work would be made based on the easiness of the reader to comprehend the information, amount of information per page, summary length, page layout, etc. For the essays, papers and blogs payment would be made based on the same criteria stated above plus the grade received from the professor (by doing this, Business X also encourages students who want to sell their work to strive for better grades).
Also Business X may also offer part time jobs for students who:
-make resumes of books required for classes but are not yet in the company’s database
-offer tutoring lessons to groups of students (the students will pay additional for these tutoring classes, Business X working just as an intermediary)
The business will start with 280 writings. 140 essays and 120 summaries will be provided from the beginning. Every month, Business X will enrich its portfolio with 14 new essays and 10 summaries. Considering an 8 month/year activity, the firm will enlarge its database with 192 papers. The more the company will operate, the less it will have to spend due to the cumulative effect. But in the financials, I neglected this, and wrote the amount spend as a constant.
I could not import the excel spreadsheet, so I made some alteration to the format.
Remember that the prices are calculated EUROS!!
Cost of the INITIAL investments (I multiplied the number of items purchased with the average price of one item). Furniture price approximations were taken from
DATABASE -average cost for a essay, paper: 140*15=2100
DATABASE average cost for a summary:120*20=2400
Coffee machine (recreational room):1*400=400
Play Station:1*400=400
Plasma TVs:2*800=1600
Tables (study rooms):3*60=180
Chairs(study rooms):12*15=180
Shelves (corridor):1*300=300
Unpredicted additional costs:1*400=400
Sources of income
membership fees per months =130(members)*25(price of membership)=3250
tickets sold per months=200(tickets)*2(price of ticket)=400
Monthly fees
Rent including bills:1*1000=1000
Money allocated for additional essays, summaries, etc:1*200=200
Salaries for students per week (summary making):4*200=800
Wages for full time personnel (week):4*200=800
Marketing expenses (flyers, posters):1*100=100
Unpredicted expenses:1*100=100
Monthly Gross income:650 EUROS
Yearly gross income (8 months of activity):5200 EUROS
I am waiting for your comments
Role of teamwork in schools????
16 years ago